As a reliable nursing writing center, we understand that the information you entrust to us means a lot to you. Therefore, we outline the privacy policy we apply to ensure the safety of your information.
The Data We Collect from you;
To write a great nursing paper, you will need to submit very personal information to our experts. This may include your email address, name, and phone number, among other related information. This information is significant towards writing your nursing paper, so you need to provide genuine and correct details.
How is your Information put to use?
We know that working with us means trusting us, so we highly value every bit of information you provide. With this information, we have the chance to respond to your needs and demands in a better way. At our firm, we also use your information to verify that you are the legal owner of the credit card you present to us. We equally use the information you provide to us to provide information regarding your nursing paper writing progress. With the information we have, we can easily submit an email attachment of your completed order.
Also Read : Terms and Conditions
We Guarantee Maximum Confidentiality;
We are the experts you have entrusted your information to, so we have a duty to safeguard your content from exposure. We have suitable security measures, so no third parties have the chance to access your information. Communication is strictly between you and the team working on your work, thus guaranteeing the utmost privacy.
Our Website use Cookies;
We want to be assured that we are working with the right person; so, we send small files to your browser. By accepting the cookies, we get to know what you are doing on our website. On the occasion of rejecting the files, you may face limited access to our website.
Nursing Writing Center allow Reviewing, Updating & Adjusting Information;
We know that change is the only constant thing, so we give clients the chance to make adjustments to the information and directives you have provided us.
We Keenly Observe the Children Online Privacy Law;
Paid online services are only permitted for people over the age of 18 years by the law. For that reason, we only work with adults to whom the law has given access to online services. This can only be 100% assured when online services are involved, as we aren’t accountable for offline services.
You may feel that you needed more information to know about, but it wasn’t listed on our privacy policy. In that case, you can always inquire for clarity, and we shall respond accordingly.